Best Practices For Puppy Proofing Your Home

Are you the proud owner of a new puppy? Congratulations! Puppies are adorably cuddly, energetic, curious and tend to explore the world through their mouths, aka chewing everything in sight. When teething, chewing can be a self-soothing behavior. While chewing surfaces like wood or plastic may provide some temporary relief, it is important to ensure your puppy’s dental health and prevent gum injury or infection.
You have to train a puppy on appropriate interaction within your home to make it a much more tolerable and enjoyable experience for everyone. The team at The Bluffs Pet Clinic has a few tips for keeping your pet safe (and you sane) as they explore their new homes.
Create A Space for Them
During the day, puppies might want to roam. Unless you want to keep an eye on your pup all day, you will want to restrict the terrain they can explore solo. It’s important to set up a space for them to play and explore safely, like a playpen. Lay down puppy pads and make sure your pup has plenty of water. You should also leave a few puppy-friendly toys in the pen to keep them occupied and stimulated. Playpens should be big enough to allow your puppy to do its business in one corner and play and roll in the opposite corner.
Sweep your floor or lo-lying areas for objects your puppy might think of as a chew toy. You will want to be sure to keep the space clear of:
- Footwear like shoes, slippers, sandals
- Bags or purses
- Wallets
- Reading glasses, sunglasses
- Writing utensils like pens, pencils, crayons, markers
- Toxic food like chocolate, grapes, almonds
- Books, papers, magazines, your mail
Some puppies love to shred, so be sure not to leave important documents laying around. Puppies will chew in the early months, mostly because they’re teething. Make sure to closely monitor your puppy so that they don’t ingest any foreign objects. Be especially mindful of electrical cords; hide cords with furniture, use electrical covers when not in use, or invest in anti-chew spray. If you think your puppy has eaten or swallowed a foreign object or is injured from chewing an object, please contact us right away.
Close off spaces that are completely off-limits to your puppy. Puppy gates can be useful for quarantining your puppy to a certain area or room. Be extra vigilant about stairs as puppies are still learning spatial awareness and movement. If you’re unsure if you want your pup on your furniture, train them to jump on the couch or bed by invitation only. Eventually, when your puppy is a little older (and perhaps with some training), you won’t have to worry about your puppy destroying certain items or laying in areas that aren’t appropriate.
A puppy will certainly test your patience, but with a little preparation, you may avoid losing your favorite pair of shoes. Puppies are worth all of the effort and will return the favor with unconditional love. Be sure to monitor your puppy while they’re actively playing or chewing any toys, even if they’re in their playpen. It’s important to discuss your new pup’s wellness plan with us, so please contact us to schedule an appointment.